PS 33 Edward M. Funk Elementary School
Third Grade Supply List 2024-2025
Welcome to third grade. For the school year, the following supplies are needed. Label all items with your child’s name. Many items may need to be replaced during the school year. Individual teachers and special area teachers may have additional items needed; they will advise you in the first days of school.
The following supplies are needed to maintain a clean and organized classroom. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to third grade. For the school year, the following supplies are needed. Label all items with your child’s name. Many items may need to be replaced during the school year. Individual teachers and special area teachers may have additional items needed; they will advise you in the first days of school.
- 2 boxes of Ticonderoga sharpened No. 2 pencils
- 5 plastic pocket folders (1 green, 1 blue, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 choice)
- 5 - 150 count black marble composition notebooks
- 1 Crayola Twistables colored pencils (12 count) 2 blue or black pens
- 2 yellow highlighters
- 1 Sharpie black fine markers
- 12 pack of Crayola markers
- 1 Fiskars's 5-inch sharp scissors
- 3 large Elmer’s glue sticks
- 1 large soft pencil case for supplies (no plastic boxes)
- 2 packages of 8 ½ x 11 copy paper
- Your child’s teacher may ask for $8.00 (one-time fee, per child for Scholastic News
magazine) - Students should have a pair of plug-in headphones for use with their iPad
The following supplies are needed to maintain a clean and organized classroom. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated.
- GIRLS: 1 box of 1-gallon sized bags
- BOYS: 1 box of 2-gallon sized bags
- Paper towel rolls – to help clean our desks and dry our hands
- 2 tissue boxes- to keep our germs from spreading
- GIRLS: Clorox wipes
- BOYS: Baby wipes – to clean our hands and desks
- 1 box of sandwich size Ziploc bags

third_grade_supply_list_24-25.pdf |